Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Preparation for the Nativity of Our Lord: LITANY OF THE UNBORN CHRIST CHILD


Our Father, Author of Life,
Thank You for the gift of life.

Word of God, through Whom all things were made,
Thank You for the gift of life.

Holy Spirit, hovering over the waters of Creation,
Thank You for the gift of life.

Jesus, Your coming was announced by an angel,

Jesus, conceived in love by God’s Spirit and the Virgin Mary,*
Jesus, beloved son of a humble carpenter,*
Jesus, source of immeasurable joy for Mary and Joseph,*
Jesus, the aging Elizabeth rejoiced in Your presence,*
Jesus, You filled the unborn Baptist with gladness,*
Jesus, Mary’s soul mirrors this gift of Divinity,*
Jesus, because of You all generations call Mary blessed,*
Jesus, one month in the womb and Your tiny heart beat for love,*
Jesus, another month passed and Your mouth and hands were wonderfully formed,*
Jesus, that mouth would tell the glory of God,*
Jesus, those hands were fashioned to be pierced for love,*
Jesus, before birth You rested near Your mother’s faithful heart,*
Jesus, grateful to those who assisted Your mother during pregnancy,*
Jesus, teaching us; whatever we do to the least of Your brothers and sisters, we do to You,*
Jesus, Your birth was a joyful revelation to humanity,*
Jesus, days after that nativity, a fearful king planned to kill You,*
Jesus, countless infants were slaughtered in Your place,*

Lord, thank You for first coming among us as the Unborn Christ Child. Today, untold numbers of our tiny sisters and brothers have been abandoned by the world’s leaders, by the traditional defenders of justice, by the healing professions and even by their own parents. But You are their Savior – You have not forgotten them. Savior, rescue and protect these little ones from the neglect and violence of an uncaring world.

Merciful Lord, Your tiny infant heart, which was later emptied on the cross, offers this world it’s only hope. Forgive us our sins against the unborn, against their parents and against all Your children. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us.

Prince of Peace, through Your healing Spirit, help us to lovingly accept every conceived child created in Your image and likeness, as a messenger of peace and goodwill towards all people. Amen.

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