Thursday, December 23, 2010

Regretfully, it is Goodbye for a while!

It's been fun this past couple of years, blogging away about whatever took my fancy. But now, sadly, it's time to take a break. Family, Parish, and general commitments are becoming more time-consuming, and I am unable to spend as much time as I used to, at my computer. So, from the 1st January 2011 this blog will be inactive.

Thank you to anyone who has been kind enough to follow my musings. I wish you a very holy Feast of the Nativity and a blessed 2011.

Salve Maria!


Jackie Parkes MJ said...

Oh dear! I only just found you!

Anonymous said...

What is your reason or excuse, to stop persevering in keeping the blog running???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
& why don't you ask the heralds for help??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????