Thursday, August 16, 2012

Latin Summer School is over.

The summer school is now a memory, and I'm beginning to look around at things other that Latin. The two weeks in Wells were totally exhausting  - studying Latin non-stop from about 9.00am to 6.30.  The time-table was like this:


        8.00 - 8.45                                         BREAKFAST
        9.10 - 10.10                                       Session 1
      10.15 - 11.40                                       Private Study Time
      11.20 - 12.20                                       Session 2 (over-18 groups)
      11.40 - 12.40                                       Session 2 (under-18 groups)

      12.20 - 1.10                                         LUNCH
        1.45 - 2.30                                         Grammar Clinic (optional, in classrooms)
        2.30 - 5.10                                         Private Study Time
        5.00 - 6.00                                         Session 3 (over-18 groups)
        5.20 - 6.20                                         Session 3 (under-18 groups)

        6.00 - 7.00                                         SUPPER
        7.30 - 8.20                                         Lecture (In Ritchie Hall)
        8.30                                                   Free Time (or private study)
        11.00                                                 QUIET IN HOUSES / U18s CURFEW

I was non-resident, and didn't stay in the evenings so after I got home at night, I had to do the prep for the next morning's session. And all those 'private study times' are just that. You need every moment to prepare for the next session if you are to keep up, because the tutors always pushed us ahead of our comfort zones, and every session faced us with new challenges.

Most of the students were teenagers. There there was another OU student in my group, but she was much younger than I. This made me a little uncomfortable for the first day or so, but we all soon got used to each other and on with the work.

This is what our group covered:


Revision of grammar (to approximately AS Level, if not a bit beyond) including uses of the subjunctives; indirect statements; gerunds and gerundives.

Past AS Level unseen papers (legacy specification 2007-2009)

Texts used:
CLC Books 3 and 4
The Millionaire’s Dinner Party
Selections from the ‘Cambridge Latin Anthology’ – including Death of Pliny the Elder; Sempronia, Clodia
Selections from Aeneid IV

Did I enjoy it? Yes, very definitely. This total immersion in Latin was exhausting, but wonderful. If fact I was so involved in what I was doing, that incredible as it may seem, I was having Latin conversations in my dreams!

Would I do it again? Again, yes, definitely - if my finances (and mental and physical energy) keeps up with my ambitions.

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